Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stick Horses

My grandkids McKinley and Kylie have been riding pretend horses in their backyard. I asked Karrissa if there were any gifts I could bring them when we came to visit for Easter and she showed me a cute online tutorial for some. I found a different tutorial and made these cute horses for them. I used Keith's old jeans for the body. They were very excited and loved the colors of them. I'm so crafty!!! 

Easter in Georgia

Keith, Ryan, and I flew to Georgia for Easter.

I helped McKinley and Kylie make Easter cupcakes. They were so yummy!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines to the Grandkids

The grandkids always love when we send them packages in the mail. Keith found some fun art books for McKinley and Kylie and cute pens. Of course we sent them all lots of treats too!